Saturday, January 02, 2010

Hello, I'm on bus 106 and I thought of blogging while listening to one of my favourite songs. :)

Today is the 2nd day of 2010, well HELLO! :) 2009 was indeed a crazy year. Done things that I've never done before, grew closer to some people, and drift apart from some, rushed into the new year, thinking that 2009 was crapped. But then again, I made a mistake. Many of us rushed into the new year, thinking that 2010 will be better (which obviously it will be), instead of living in a crapped year. But we're so wrong! 2009 was also a BLAST, well a least for me. As I stepped into 2010, I realised that 2009 itself was awesome. Out of all th ups and downs, at least one thing I know is that my 2009 was eventful. :)

One of the best: Going rebel with my classmates. In 2009, I think I grew closer to them, even though they lost to a pair of slippers on 31st dec. (Laughs!) They're a bunch of people that I'll love to hangout more ofen with! P.s. Don't laugh when you guys see this, I mean it! ;) Also, going to w498 and back to e410. They are seasons that changed me. I'm still very happy to have been in the two CGs. On the side note, I think my family grew closer! We were close, but closer than before. :) being able to have some heart to heart talk w mummy, it's just unbelievable.

There's so much I wna say but my thoughts are jumbled up, on top of that, my fingers are turning cold and stiff due to the air-con in the bus. Last but not least, I thank God for th people in my life. :) we ran, we fought, we cried, we laughed together. I know I will never walk alone, Johnny Walker. Ahhaas! On top of everything, EVERYTHING, I thank God for being my God. Times when I felt down, weak and felt like giving up, You came and comfort me. Once again, thank You dear God for being my God. :) and even if I search all the world, I will never find a love like Yours.

In 2010, all I want is to grow closer to God more than anything else. Of cos, there are other desires. But still, that is the cry of my heart.


Blogger petrina said...

i like your post! 2009 was actually quite a blast thinking about it now. rebel again soon! :D

5:09 pm 
Blogger Seth said...

I thought you were saying something 'I rebelled against my classmate' and I was like 'WOW SERIOUS SHIT!' LOL

12:00 am 
Anonymous lileng said...

LOLLL! seth, that was a nice one eh! rebel rebel! ;D

9:39 pm 

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